
Essences (20)

Lemuria 16th May 2022 Their message to you is: ‘We are elders of long ago, of beauty and harmony, of living in the flow. We know you may find Earth an unsafe place to be, as your light body struggles with the density. Getting out in nature is our advice to you, to feel at one with the land, […] Read More
Down To Earth 16th May 2022 The purpose of these higher energies is to assist our body in raising its own vibration, as well as Mother Earth. When you experience the higher energy it can be blissful, magical, exhilarating, but it can also be disconcerting, overwhelming, and too much of it without grounding it, can result in burn out. Grounding aligns […] Read More
Go With The Flow 16th May 2022 We can often try to force things to happen, wanting something to be or look a certain way, and then get frustrated when things don’t work out as we wanted them to. As we are ascending and experiencing higher dimensional energies, we are being asked to be fluid, flexible, open and to let go of […] Read More
Faery Dust 16th May 2022 Faery Dust introduces you to the Magickal realms, expanding your self awareness and perception of nature and the spirits who look after Earth. In their own words ‘Our message to you is simply this, open your hearts to remember bliss’. Use if you are wanting to connect with or enhance communication to the Elemental Kingdom. […] Read More
Merlin 28th April 2022 Merlin Connect with Merlin, the wizard, the sage, the teacher, who will take you on a journey of self-discovery, of magick and mystery. In his own words ‘I am in nature, I am amongst the trees, the babbling brook, the birds and the bees, the rocks and stones, the mountain cliff way up high, the […] Read More
Lady Of The Lake 28th April 2022 Lady Of The Lake The Lady of the Lake is a powerful purifying, awakening and transformational energy. When you connect with her you will meet a teacher, a guide, an Oracle. She teaches you patience, trust, and how to work with the light. She will show you how to be present in the now, opening […] Read More
The Dragons Breath 28th April 2022 The Dragons Breath The Dragons Breath is a remarkable sight, cascading across the valley, and this essence is truly special, connecting you to the energy of the dragons. It was made on Christmas Day, when the dragons were making themselves known to me, leaving trails of their potent energy all across the valley, all around […] Read More
Venus 28th April 2022 Venus The energy contained within the essence of Venus facilitates healing of deep-rooted trauma and wounds, which may stem from this life or even go back over past lifetimes. These wounds can keep you stuck, unable to move forwards or live life fully from the heart. You may feel unable to love yourself or another. […] Read More
Psychic Protection 3rd November 2019 Use this powerful essence to protect your energies, it works instantly to shield and protect your aura. An excellent ally if you are experiencing Psychic Attack. Read More
Anchor 13th November 2018 Anchor is a grounding essence, providing nourishment to strengthen the base chakra. It’s stabilising and grounding energy helps you to be solid and firm. Read More
Ray of Sunshine 13th November 2018 This is sunshine in a bottle, filling you with positivity and joy. Read More
Breath of Fresh Air 13th November 2018 This is a ‘spiritual spa’, washing away dirt and debris from the aura, leaving you refreshed and revitalised. Read More
Starlight 23rd October 2018 Infused with pure divine energies from the Cosmos, this is a magical essence containing the light of the stars. It is instantly purifying, and showers you with blessings. Read More
Amethyst 23rd October 2018 Amethyst is a powerful purifying essence that links to the Violet Flame, which is a gift to humanity, to aid us in the transmutation of energy. Read More
Heart of Gold 23rd October 2018 This essence is so very special. It was made using a beautiful golden healer point which I found on Crystal Mountain, gifted to me by the land energies, whilst I was carrying out healing there. Read More
Break the Cycle 23rd October 2018 Do you recognise patterns which continually repeat in your life, maybe thinking ‘oh no, not this again’? Are you ready to Break the Cycle? Read More
Leap of Faith 23rd October 2018 This is a high vibrational essence which connects you to the frequency of Love. It propels you on your path of light, giving you trust and faith to move forwards, to ‘Take the Leap’. Read More
Over the Rainbow 23rd October 2018 This deeply nurturing spray provides comfort to your heart chakra. Ideal uses for grief and bereavement, trauma, abuse, sadness, anxiety, upset. It calms mind, body and soul. Ideal for soul midwifery. Read More
Stardust 23rd October 2018 Stardust was made using a special Starbrary Quartz, together with Moldavite, under the Delta Aquarids meteor shower. Read More
Unity 23rd October 2018 Unity opens your heart to remember ‘Oneness’. It enables you to see through the illusion of separation, to know that we are all connected to Source energy, to ‘All That Is’. Read More
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