Lady Of The Lake

The Lady of the Lake is a powerful purifying, awakening and transformational energy. When you connect with her you will meet a teacher, a guide, an Oracle.
She teaches you patience, trust, and how to work with the light. She will show you how to be present in the now, opening your heart space, the place where you will find complete faith, trust and inner knowing. This is her gift to you, the reconnection to your true self.
Her message is ‘I simply connect you to more of you. I help to remove blocks in your life – internal and external, for they are one and the same. I work on the kundalini, the sacred energy of spirit. Your psychic abilities will transform, develop and heighten working with me. I will assist you to go beyond your physical sight, to go inwards, and feel. I teach you how to be present in the now, for that is all there is. I help you to find your heart space, and to be in it at all times. When you are in the heart, you have complete faith and trust, you don’t question, compare or analyse. You just know. This is an important part of Ascension, to find the inner knowing. That is my gift to you. Starseeds will be drawn to my energy as I am an activator. I will help you discover who and what you are. You can call me an Oracle, I hold the crystal ball, and show you the images, then it’s for you to interpret and translate them. I will show you where you are and like a compass, you may use me to navigate where you are going. I guide you to keep facing your true North. I activate people’s missions. I leave no uncertainty over what a person, a starseed, is here to do. I show you the power is all with you. No one else. Nothing else. Simply you.
The sacred fire codes are in this essence. They activate the kundalini, the holy energy contained within your vessel. It is a reconnection to the spirit within you
Affirmation: I connect with my inner light to awaken to my Divine power.