
In his own words ‘I am in nature, I am amongst the trees, the babbling brook, the birds and the bees, the rocks and stones, the mountain cliff way up high, the wind and the rain, and the crystal clear blue sky. I am the mist rolling down the hill, and I come to you of your own free will’.
‘Merlin’ acts as a code, to access and unlock parts of you which have simply been forgotten, opening up dormant abilities and talents, often closed down through trauma in past lives. This sets in motion a reawakening, and Merlin shows you how to use these gifts for the greater good of all of humanity. He will be your ally, your friend, and protector, fearless and loyal standing by your side. He will introduce you to the unknown, the unseen, parting the veils for you to walk between the worlds. He will move heaven and earth to assist you in your endeavours.
Use to connect with sacred sites, and stones, such as Stonehenge, and send healing all across the planet. Learn about travel, moving through time, indeed the concept of time.
This is a motivational and transformational energy, helping you to ‘get things done’, perhaps with issues you have been procrastinating about. Merlin takes you to the next level of your growth, to move beyond your preconceived limitations, to become the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis.
Merlin sees within you, the powerful, limitless being you are, and holds the mirror to show you who you truly are – a spark of the divine. Full of light, he empowers you to shine your light on everything, including the dark. Journeying with the essence will give you profound experiences of travel and other dimensions. Become a time traveller guided by an expert.
Affirmation: I open my Self to explore All That Is Magick and Mystery