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Lemuria Essence by Crystal Mountain

Their message to you is: 'We are elders of long ago, of beauty and harmony, of living in the flow. We know you may find Earth an unsafe place to be, as your light body struggles with the density.

Getting out in nature is our advice to you, to feel at one with the land, the plants and flowers too. Walk barefoot upon the ground, feel the soil between your toes, holding your safe and sound. We give you the gift of love and harmony. Feel our love wrapping you in comfort and security. Please know you are loved beyond measure'. You may feel a sense of knowing, or even yearning, a calling to uncover your connection to this time and consciousness. Many upon Mother Earth are now drawn to understanding the era that was Lemuria, a place and time of harmony and community, of being at One with All That Is. Using this essence enables you to access the energy of Lemuria, taking you on a journey of remembering, deep within your subconscious mind. Be transported to this peaceful civilisation, a paradise, where beauty in all of life is recognised. Feel the interconnectedness, the Unity, the co operation between one and all. The peaceful, tranquil waters of the oceans, the vibrant cooured flowers, the stars that shine so bright.

The beauty and wonder that is Lemuria... You will feel the Divine Mother herself, who's energy is soothing, and calming, filling you with peace and love. Use if you aren't able to feel the Divine Feminine as easily, if you were ever abandoned, or rejected by a parent or a loved one, or if you have deep feelings of unworthiness. The Lemurian energy heals wounds around love, feeling unloved, lack of self love etc. It clears old, often dense energy and fills your heart space with pure, unfiltered, unconditional love. Use in your personal space to invite love in. Works on the psychic channels, particularly the 3rd eye. An excellent Earth healer, use to spread this love into Mother Earth, to help raise her vibration.

Affirmation: I connect with Lemuria, and our Divine Mother, to feel love, to heal with love, to soothe my soul

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Down to Earth Essence by Crystal Mountain

The purpose of these higher energies is to assist our body in raising its own vibration, as well as Mother Earth. When you experience the higher energy it can be blissful, magical, exhilarating, but it can also be disconcerting, overwhelming, and too much of it without grounding it, can result in burn out.

Grounding aligns you with Mother Earth, it enables you to process and hold light energy. If you aren't grounded, you cannot sustain the energy coming in. Your body is working so hard to integrate the higher frequencies, that eventually it becomes depleted of energy, which can lead to exhaustion. When you are plugged in, or grounded, then you are able to safely disperse any excesses, and also draw upon extra energy when required. Down to Earth acts like a fuse, it works mainly on the Earth Star Chakra, situated below the soles of the feet, and the base chakra, at the base of your spine, helping you to ground, and anchor this light into your physical body, to regulate the energy flow and release the excess safely into the ground below your feet. It gives you a feeling of safety, you feel safe and secure, knowing you are supported and held by Mother Earth. Use if you feel spacy, dizzy, disoritented, ungrounded.

Affirmation: My Earth Star supports me as I anchor and integrate the light

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Go with the Flow Essence by Crystal Mountain

We can often try to force things to happen, wanting something to be or look a certain way, and then get frustrated when things don’t work out as we wanted them to.

As we are ascending and experiencing higher dimensional energies, we are being asked to be fluid, flexible, open and to let go of our idea of how a situatiion or issue should be, and to trust, that the Divine, Source, the Universe, will take care of us. By going with the flow, you move into your heart space, and are able to release all judgments, expectations and worries. Being in the flow of energy is the key to manifestation, no longer holding onto the past, or worrying about the future, instead trusting that all your needs are taken care of. This process of letting go, of surrendering, enables the Universe to guide you towards achieving all of your hearts desires.

Affirmation: I trust in the Divine Plan

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Faery Dust Essence by Crystal Mountain

Faery Dust introduces you to the Magickal realms, expanding your self awareness and perception of nature and the spirits who look after Earth.

In their own words 'Our message to you is simply this, open your hearts to remember bliss'. Use if you are wanting to connect with or enhance communication to the Elemental Kingdom. An ideal essence to use on the New Moon, to set goals and to dream big. The faeries teach us how to tap into the wisdom held within, and will share their knowledge of abundance, prosperity, and growth. The essence acts as a fertiliser to your dreams, helping you to manifest your hearts desires. It is also useful for anger issues, if you have anger bottled up or experience frequent outbursts, it helps to ameliorate this energy.

Affirmation: I open my heart to experience bliss


Merlin Essence by Crystal Mountain

Connect with Merlin, the wizard, the sage, the teacher, who will take you on a journey of self-discovery, of magick and mystery.

In his own words ‘I am in nature, I am amongst the trees, the babbling brook, the birds and the bees, the rocks and stones, the mountain cliff way up high, the wind and the rain, and the crystal clear blue sky. I am the mist rolling down the hill, and I come to you of your own free will’.

‘Merlin’ acts as a code, to access and unlock parts of you which have simply been forgotten, opening up dormant abilities and talents, often closed down through trauma in past lives. This sets in motion a reawakening, and Merlin shows you how to use these gifts for the greater good of all of humanity. He will be your ally, your friend, and protector, fearless and loyal standing by your side. He will introduce you to the unknown, the unseen, parting the veils for you to walk between the worlds. He will move heaven and earth to assist you in your endeavours.

Use to connect with sacred sites, and stones, such as Stonehenge, and send healing all across the planet. Learn about travel, moving through time, indeed the concept of time.

This is a motivational and transformational energy, helping you to ‘get things done', perhaps with issues you have been procrastinating about. Merlin takes you to the next level of your growth, to move beyond your preconceived limitations, to become the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis.

Merlin sees within you, the powerful, limitless being you are, and holds the mirror to show you who you truly are – a spark of the divine. Full of light, he empowers you to shine your light on everything, including the dark. Journeying with the essence will give you profound experiences of travel and other dimensions. Become a time traveller guided by an expert.

Affirmation: I open my Self to explore All That Is Magick and Mystery

Lady Of The Lake

Lady Of The Lake Essence by Crystal Mountain

The Lady of the Lake is a powerful purifying, awakening and transformational energy. When you connect with her you will meet a teacher, a guide, an Oracle.

She teaches you patience, trust, and how to work with the light. She will show you how to be present in the now, opening your heart space, the place where you will find complete faith, trust and inner knowing. This is her gift to you, the reconnection to your true self.

Her message is ‘I simply connect you to more of you. I help to remove blocks in your life – internal and external, for they are one and the same. I work on the kundalini, the sacred energy of spirit. Your psychic abilities will transform, develop and heighten working with me. I will assist you to go beyond your physical sight, to go inwards, and feel. I teach you how to be present in the now, for that is all there is. I help you to find your heart space, and to be in it at all times. When you are in the heart, you have complete faith and trust, you don’t question, compare or analyse. You just know. This is an important part of Ascension, to find the inner knowing. That is my gift to you. Starseeds will be drawn to my energy as I am an activator. I will help you discover who and what you are. You can call me an Oracle, I hold the crystal ball, and show you the images, then it’s for you to interpret and translate them. I will show you where you are and like a compass, you may use me to navigate where you are going. I guide you to keep facing your true North.
I activate people’s missions. I leave no uncertainty over what a person, a starseed, is here to do. I show you the power is all with you. No one else. Nothing else. Simply you.

The sacred fire codes are in this essence. They activate the kundalini, the holy energy contained within your vessel. It is a reconnection to the spirit within you

Affirmation: I connect with my inner light to awaken to my Divine power.

The Dragons Breath

The Dragons Breath Essence by Crystal Mountain

The Dragons Breath is a remarkable sight, cascading across the valley, and this essence is truly special, connecting you to the energy of the dragons.

It was made on Christmas Day, when the dragons were making themselves known to me, leaving trails of their potent energy all across the valley, all around our home, shrouding us in this mystical energy. In using it you will feel love from the dragons, and the Cosmos, All That Is.

This essence is warming and loving, it activates, enhances, and ignites passion, warmth, strength and love. Love for yourself. The codes of creation are contained within it. It brings parts of dna, dormant aspects of you back to life, back online. This essence is full of love, it helps you to heal the aspects which are not love, it highlights where healing is needed. Dragon energy is transformational. The essence helps you to see other dimensions and realms more easily. You can use it to communicate with the dragons. Use for personal and earth healing.

Affirmation: I Feel Love


Venus Essence by Crystal Mountain

The energy contained within the essence of Venus facilitates healing of deep-rooted trauma and wounds, which may stem from this life or even go back over past lifetimes.

These wounds can keep you stuck, unable to move forwards or live life fully from the heart. You may feel unable to love yourself or another. Loving yourself is not always deemed important, but loving yourself should be your priority.
Feel the love of Venus entering your aura, your physical body, your mind... Dissolving blockages, old energies, emotions, feelings and thoughts.

The message from the crystal:
I activate the heart, to open and expand, to allow more love into the body. This is the love of source, creator, your father, your mother. The heart is a portal, a gateway, to explore you. Your multi dimensional self. Your soul. Everything that is you is found through your heart. The way to navigate the times we are in, is to live from the heart. The essence helps you to be in your heart. The seat of the soul. Break free of what holds you back, to allow more of you to be embodied.

There is protection with the essence. When you are in the heart, the light radiates stronger, it creates a forcefield of love, which only love can permeate. The theme and energy of Venus is all about coming home, to you.

Affirmation: I am Worthy to Receive Love

Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection Essence by Crystal Mountain

Use this powerful essence to protect your energies, it works instantly to shield and protect your aura. An excellent ally if you are experiencing Psychic Attack. It is my must have when I am out in busy places, especially at shows where there is a lot of energy flying about.

Psychic Protection.

Affirmation: I am Protected.

Starlight essence spray was uplifting, magic, harmonizing and great for manifesting... highly recommended!

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